Friday, December 31, 2004

On the Advent of the New Year

Recent events are apt reminders that our present lot in Life is one that is to thank for. The timing of such may have occurred at a very bad time (just as the New Year was coming along), but it may have been contrived to happen that way so as to let us all think, realize, and be happy where we are. 'Count Your Blessings', Og Mandino once said when asked to summarize his life's work in three words.

But this is not to say that we should stop dreaming for better and bigger things, that we be totally complacent and satisfied with our state as to put out the embers or fires of passion within us. It is man's passion that fuels his aspiration. It is man's aspiration that keeps his hopes alive. And these sets of hope help him understand that there is more to Life than just living, that Life is much more than just being alive.

If we fail to aspire for something and totally disregard this free gift of thought, we forefeit our right to momentary bliss each time we fail, and we are deprived of the true meaning of appreciation every time we succeed.

Without aspiration, we are all just powered by and moving on inertia. Inertia is boring. And it can put you to sleep.

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